Sunday, 22 November 2015

Can Smoking Cigarettes Cause Impotence?

Erectile dysfunction (ED), also called impotence, can be caused by a wide range of physical and psychological factors. Among them is cigarette smoking. It’s not surprising since smoking can damage your blood vessels, and ED is often a result of poor arterial blood supply to the penis. Fortunately, if you quit smoking, your vascular health is likely to improve, as well as your sexual health and performance.
What Happens When You Quit Smoking

Smoking and Your Blood Vessels

You’ve probably heard a lot about the health risks of smoking. That’s because cigarette smoking can damage just about every part of your body. The chemicals in cigarette smoke injure the lining of your blood vessels and affect the way they function. Those chemicals can also harm your heart, brain, kidneys, and various other tissues throughout the body.
The risk of smoking to your erectile health is specifically due to the effects of cigarette chemicals on the blood vessels in the penis. An erection results when the arteries in the penis expand and fill with blood after receiving signals from nerves in the penis. The nerves are responding to sexual arousal signals from the brain. Even if the nervous system is operating at full strength, an erection might not be physically possible if the blood vessels are unhealthy due to smoking.

What Does the Research Show?

While ED tends to be more common as men get older, it can develop at any adult age. A 2005 study in the American Journal of Epidemiology suggests that ED is not only more likely among men who smoked compared to those who never did, but that in younger men with ED, cigarette smoking is very likely the cause of their impotence.
If you are a heavy smoker, research suggests the odds of developing ED are much higher. However, quitting smoking can improve ED symptoms. Be aware that your age, the severity of your ED prior to quitting smoking, and other major health problems may reduce the degree to which healthy erectile function can return.  

Getting Help

While ED can be an awkward subject to discuss with your partner or a healthcare provider, the sooner you deal with the issue, the sooner you’ll find a solution. If you don’t have a primary care doctor, but you want to discuss ED with a physician, make an appointment with a urologist or men’s health specialist. ED is a very common health problem, so you shouldn’t feel self-conscious. You may, however, be advised that one of the things you should do soon is quit smoking.
The Best Quit Smoking Blogs of the Year
If you’ve tried to quit smoking and been unsuccessful, never assume that quitting is beyond your reach. You should get help and take a new approach this time. The National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute recommends the following steps to help you quit smoking:

  • Make a list of the reasons you want to quit and why your earlier attempts to quit were unsuccessful.
  • Pay attention to your smoking triggers, such as drinking alcohol or coffee.
  • Get support from family and friends. It’s okay to admit that you need assistance in overcoming a powerful addiction like smoking.
  • Talk with your doctor about prescription and over-the-counter medications designed to help smokers kick the habit. If a particular medication seems like a good and safe choice, follow the medication’s instructions precisely.
  • Find new alternatives to smoking and activities that can distract you from cigarette cravings, such as exercise or hobbies to occupy your hands and your mind.
  • Be prepared for cravings and setbacks. Just because you slip up one day and have a cigarette doesn’t mean you can’t get back on track and be ultimately successful.
Be Aware.......
Keep Smiling........

Saturday, 21 November 2015


Have you been putting on weight despite watching your diet or following a regular exercise program? It may be due to an underlying medical condition or any medication that you have been taking. There are certain medical conditions and medicines that can lead to weight gain. These include:


Deficiency of thyroid hormone (hypothyroidism) can cause weight gain. Without enough thyroid hormone, the body’s metabolism slows down, leading to weight gain. Hypothyroidism is most common in women above 50 years.

Symptoms:  weight gain, fatigue, muscle pains, fatigue, inability to concentrate, cold intolerance, irregular periods and constipation

Tests: blood tests called Thyroid function tests


Polycystic ovarian syndrome, or PCOS, is a condition in which a woman’ hormone levels (estrogen and progesterone) are out of balance. This leads to the growth of cysts in ovaries.  (non-tumor masses in ovaries). PCOS can cause problems with women’s menstrual cycle, fertility, heart function, and appearance.

Symptoms: weight gain, irregular periods or no periods at all, trouble getting pregnant, excessive hair growth (hirsutism) – usually on the face, chest, back or buttocks, thinning hair and hair loss from the head, oily skin or acne.

Tests:  blood tests include testing for levels of follicle stimulating hormone (FSH), luteinizing hormone (LH), estrogen, testosterone, prolactin, thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) , adrenal gland hormones( such as DHEA-S or 17-hydroxyprogesterone), glucose tolerance test, blood insulin levels and lipid profile


Some people with depression overeat, which can lead to obesity.  People can turn to food as a coping mechanism leading to a vicious circle. Weight gain from depression can make you more depressed, which can lead to further weight gain.

Symptoms: weight gain, difficulty concentrating and making decisions, fatigue, feelings of guilt, worthlessness, feelings of hopelessness and/or pessimism, insomnia, irritability, restlessness, loss of interest in activities, body aches, headaches,  persistent sad, anxious, or empty feelings, suicidal thoughts or behavior

Tests: there are no tests. It is diagnosed on the basis of your symptoms.


Long-term use of steroids (corticosteroid) tablets seems to increase appetite in some people, leading to weight gain. Weight gain is a common side effect for people who take insulin to manage their diabetes. Insulin tends to cause weight gain possibly by stimulating appetite during periods of low blood sugar levels. Valproate is a drug used to treat bipolar disorder and seizures, and prevent migraines. The drug affects proteins involved in appetite and metabolism, causing weight gain.

Stay Fit….

Keep Smiling Always….

Friday, 20 November 2015

Top Products Banned Across The World,But Not in India


Vicks Vaporub widely used in India to get instant relief from cough, cold and congestion is banned in many European and North American countries. According to reports, an ingredient found in Vicks has serious and dangerous side effects. But, irrespective of all these harmful effects, it is not banned in India.


67 pesticides which are banned or restricted in many international markets are still in use in India. Expert committees set up by the Central government have examined the matter and they recommended continued use of the pesticides in most cases while restricted use was recommended for some. Some pesticides still used in India include Carbaryl, Malathion, Acephate, Dimethoate, Chlorpyrifos, Lindane, Quinalphos, Phosphomidon, Carbandizm, Captan, Tridamorph, Practilachlor, 2.4–D and Glyphosate.

Kinder Joy / Kinder Eggs

Kinder eggs / Kinder joy are very popular food product in many parts of the world including India. But, the chocolate eggs are banned in United States. You can be fined upto USD 2500 for bringing it illegally.


Among the long list of banned medicines outside India are commonly used drugs like Novalgin, D-Cold, Vicks Action-500, Enteroquinal, Furoxone and Lomofen (anti-diarrheal), Nimulid, Analgin (pain killer), Ciza and Syspride, (acidity and constipation), Nimesulide (painkiller) and Buclizine (appetite stimulant), which are still being sold on the Indian market.

Chewing Gums

This may jolt you but chewing gums are banned in Singapore. The government had banned the import or sale of gum in the country to keep its public places clean. But, you can chew it in India without caring about environment


A 2010 story published in The Hindu said that branded honey sold in the country was contaminated. When Centre for Science and Environment examined 12 branded honey products that were sold in India, including those made by companies like Dabur, Himalaya, Patanjali, Baidyanath, Khadi and two foreign organisations based out of Switzerland and Australia, scientists found high levels of six harmful antibiotics in 11 samples.
Indian companies who export their products abroad, and foreign companies by default, must conform to stringent standards as most developed countries have banned or strictly regulated antibiotics in honey. So setting an example of double standards, most Indian companies dump the contaminated honey on the domestic market in the country, since there are no regulations here.

Unpasteurised Milk

Unpasteurised milk or raw milk is banned in at least 22 states in Canada and US. The reason for imposing the ban is the availability of microbes and germs in it. But, raw milk is easily available in many parts of Africa, Europe and Asia.

Jelly candies

In India, kids are all gaga over jelly candies. But, many don’t know that the import of jelly is banned in UK and EU. According to reports, it is made from a thickening agent called konjac which carries risks of chocking throat. But, it is available in India in abundance.

Red Bull

The popular energy drink ‘Red Bull’ was banned in France, Denmark and some other countries because of the availability of the chemical taurine in the drink which according to studies is a highly dangerous chemical. Who cares about anything else!

Be Aware………

Keep Smiling Always….