Monday, 28 September 2015

Natural ways get rid stretch marks

People have had to deal with stretch marks since the dawn of time. Whether you go through a growth spurt, gain a few pounds (even lose a few pounds, how unfair is that?) or become pregnant, it seems like 99 percent of the world’s population has stretch marks of some kind. When your skin has used up its elasticity, you get the white, red or purple stretch marks that can leave you feeling like an abstract painting.
You don’t have to carry those stretch marks around forever, though! Once your body has reached a stopping point where your weight and height are stabilized, your stretch marks will start to fade. In most cases, unfortunately, they won’t go completely away on their own. There are surgeries that can remove stretch marks, but they can leave you in a lot of pain, both physically and financially.
Natural is the way to go to get rid of stretch marks. It will save you a lot of money, and you won’t have to put in much effort to get the silky, smooth body you’ve been after for a while. So what are the natural ways you can get rid of these unsightly lines for good and reclaim your body against the invading stretch mark army? Here are 10 simple methods you can do at home to help you out!

Apricot Mask

A lot of people buy apricot scrubs to get rid of the stretch marks on their body, but you can easily make your own mask that will have the same effect. This apricot mask doesn’t go on your face (unless you have rare facial stretch marks), but can applied anywhere else on your body. All you need is two apricots and some lukewarm water.
Take the seeds out of your apricots and crush them like ants until you get a nice solid paste, but don’t eat it! Leave the paste on your stretch marked areas for about 15 minutes, then use lukewarm water to wash it off. Apply this mask every day for one month, and those marks will be a thing of the past.

Aloe Vera

Aloe vera is not only great for getting rid of sunburns and lightening your skin, but it can also remove pesky stretch marks, too. Since it contains collagen, it will help get your skin back to its original condition. You just need a leaf of aloe vera for this one.
First, get the thorns out of the leaf (you don’t want that kind of pain) and extract the gel that comes out of the leaf. Now it is time to practice some patience, as you must leave the gel on your affected skin for about two hours. Once that time has passed, you can finally wash it off. Again, try this out once a day for a month to get the maximum results.


There are all kinds of oils that will help get rid of stretch marks. Myrrh oils, geranium oils, chamomile oils, olive oils, lavender oils. You get the picture.
Lavender and chamomile are going to be your two biggest allies in the stretch mark battle. Combine them with any other oil of your choosing and apply the mix onto your stretch marks. You will want to do this 3-4 times each day until the stretch marks go away. As you can see, each of these remedies take a wee bit of time, so don’t fret if your stretch marks don’t disappear right away.

Potato Juice

You can go to almost any store in the entire world and find a potato. Since we aren’t in the middle of a famine, these things are incredibly cheap and you just need one medium potato per remedy. Potatoes contain a ton of vitamins and acids that help reduce stretch marks, although eating too many can cause stretch marks.
Take a potato and cut it into thick slices. If you have more than one problem area, save the other slices because you will need one slice for each area. Make sure the natural juice from the potato stays on the stretch mark for at least five minutes, then you can wash it away.

Lemon Juice

If you read our article about using lemon juice with just about anything to lighten your skin, we’re here to tell you it can remove stretch marks as well. With all of those vitamins and antioxidants, lemons are God’s gift to skin.
Cut one lemon in half, then rub each of the halves onto your problem areas. You should be able to feel that juice soaking into your skin, which may give a slight tingling sensation (which is a good thing because that means it’s working.) Leave the halve there for 10 minutes, then gently wash it away with warm water.

Coco-Shea Butter

Cocoa and Shea butter have been the top sellers for stretch mark removal creams since they hit the shelves ages ago. If you have tried these in store creams and didn’t find success, perhaps the kicked up version that you can make at home will be better suited for your needs.
Take two teaspoons of each butter and one teaspoon of Vitamin E oil. Melt down the butters and mix the three together vigorously like you were Giada. Keep it in a container where it can cool off and turn into a super cream. After bathing, lather this cream onto your stretch marks and watch it melt into your skin.

Egg Whites

There are so many proteins in egg whites that we don’t even have the space to list them all, so we’ll just say there’s over three dozen. You can also find natural collagen in egg whites, which gets rid of scars such as stretch marks— what we’re shooting for here.
Hopefully you know how to separate egg white and yolk at this point, so go ahead and do that first. Once you have, beat down the egg white with a fork, apply it onto your stretch marks. It may smell awful, but leave it there for just 15 minutes. Once you have suffered through that quarter hour, it is now safe to wash it away with water.


Vitamins and amino acids in Alfalfa are known to help repair skin that is either damaged, dead or scarred. Since stretch marks are a form of scars, Alfalfa is just what the doctor ordered.
You will need one teaspoon of the powdered form of Alfalfa and a couple drops of chamomile oil. Mix the two together so that you get a nice thick paste forming, then rub this paste over your stretch marks. You can do this up to three times each day, and let it sit for 15 minutes each instance. This remedy won’t leave behind a big mess and won’t smell anywhere near as powerful as the egg whites.


Now, you are probably thinking that you shower or take a bath everyday, so why do you still have stretch marks? Well, the water we are recommending here isn’t for the outside, it’s for the inside. If you drink about a gallon of water every day, your skin will be hydrated enough to regain some of the elasticity that it was lacking when the stretch marks first appeared.
Many of these treatments won’t work in the first place if your body is not getting enough water. A lack of hydration can cause your skin to dry out, which will lead to stretch marks even if you haven’t gained any weight. Doctors recommend 8 glasses of water a day, but you should be shooting for 10 to 12 if you are trying to get rid of stretch marks. Saturated skin is the best kind of skin.

Healthy Eating

The same rule of water is also applied when it comes to eating. Think of it this way, a lot of stretch marks are caused by a poor diet, weight gain and lack of water. If you are eating foods that are high in vitamins and protein, your skin is going to recover much faster.
If you are looking for foods that are going to help you in the war against stretch marks, then you should be eating more yogurts, nuts, fish, fruits, vegetables and basically everything that is good for you. It may not taste the same as a Big Mac, but if you want to get rid of those stretch marks right now, it’s definitely worth it. Make sure to avoid saturated fats at all costs, since these are the leading culprits of stretch marks.
So now that you are armed with knowledge, go ahead and give these natural ways to get rid of stretch marks a try. You should see your skin bounce back to it’s normal and healthy glow within no time, scar free!
Keep Smiling Always……...

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