Thursday, 30 July 2015

Best Foods for White Teeth

Best Foods for White Teeth

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- Try mashing up strawberries and rubbing them on your teeth. Leave them on for five minutes and rinse them off with water.
- Chewing almond and walnut rub plaque and stains off the surface of teeth as they are full of protein, healthy fats, and they help you get a pearly white smile.
- Baking soda is the safest and strongest teeth whitener. Mix a pinch of salt with a little baking soda, apply it to your teeth and you will get white sparkling teeth in an instant.
- Carrots and pineapple act like a natural stain remover by increasing saliva production, thereby serving as the mouth’s self cleaning agent and they also strengthen your gums.
- Rubbing a banana peel on your teeth for two minutes can help whiten them as the peel contains some essential minerals
- Apples’ crispiness strengthens gums, and its high water content increases saliva production, which helps in killing off the bacteria. Apples also act as a dental cleanser.
- Sesame seeds help “scrub” away the plaque on your teeth. Sesame seeds also contain bone and teeth-strengthening calcium.
- Eating tart fruits such as oranges may cause the mouth to produce more saliva which ultimately washes teeth clean naturally but avoid using lemons directly on your teeth, because too much acid can damage teeth.
- Broccoli helps in scrubbing the surface of the teeth.
- Drinking lots of water will give you a bright smile as it helps to keep your mouth hydrated.
- Munching on a pear neutralises odor-causing and staining bacterial areas on teeth. Increased saliva production brought on by this fruit also washes away food debris, which gives you whiter and fresh teeth.
- Dairy products like milk and yogurt are teeth super foods, which strengthen the teeth and also make them cleaner and whiter.
- Chewing the root of the banyan (bargad) tree will help to keep your teeth shiny and sparkling.
- Simple home remedy for whiter teeth is oil. Gargle with one tablespoon of oil (sesame, coconut, etc.) early in the morning for 15-20 minutes making sure to cover all your teeth. Practice this every morning and your teeth are sure to sparkle
Healthy teeth and gums is an indicator of an overall healthy individual. So, your health regime should start with your mouth.
Avoid foods that are not good for your teeth as they might not be good for your overall health as well.
Restrict intake on tea coffee and avoid smoking and chewing tobacco.
Avoid chocolates, colas, oily food and junk food to help keep your smile healthy and white.
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