Sunday, 12 July 2015

Food prevents Hair fall

  1. Green Tea - Start your day with a cup of green tea.Green tea contains polyphenols that help in keeping your scalp healthy and hair your hair shiny and dandruff free.
  2. Egg - Include eggs in your daily breakfast. Eggs are rich in protein, biotin and vitamin B important for healthy hair.
  3. Flex seeds -Sprinkle some flax seeds or pumpkin seeds to your daily breakfast cereals or salads. These seeds are rich sources of omega fatty acids, zinc, biotin, potassium, magnesium and iron that boost hair growth.
  4. VegetablesInclude lots of dark green leafy vegetables like spinach, broccoli and lettuces in your diet. They are excellent source of vitamin A and Vitamin C.
  5. NutsSnack on to a handful of nuts daily instead of having unhealthy snacks. Almonds, cashews and walnuts all contain zinc, which minimizes hair shedding. They also contain vitamin E essential for healthy hair and omega-3 fatty acid, which helps boost shine and fullness.
  6. Carrots - For an evening snack consider having baked or steamed sweet potato or carrots. They are loaded with beta-carotene, which gets converted to vitamin A in the body.
  7. Pulses - Have pulses 2-3 times a week. Pulses are rich in super hair nutrients like zinc, biotin, protein and iron.
  8. Fruits Have 2-3 small servings of bright colored fruits. Mango, strawberries, kiwi, pineapple and peaches are all rich with vitamin C, essential for making collagen that gives structure to hair.

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