Monday, 3 August 2015


Dear Friends,

It’s Breast Feeding week, so share these facts with your friends and family.

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- Breast feeding should be started within the first 30-60 minutes of birth.

- The thick yellow initial secretion (Colostrum) should not be discarded as it is rich proteins, vitamin A, prevents the development of allergies, and contains antibodies that protect the baby from infections.

-The newborn should not be given honey, water or any other fluid other than the breast milk.

- Baby should be breast fed on demand every 2-3 hours devoting 10-15 minutes to each breast.

- Baby should be properly latched to the breast. Part of the areolar (the black area behind the nipple) should be in his mouth.

- The baby should be exclusively breast feed for at least 6 months.

- Breast feeding helps in better mental development of the baby.

- It reduces risk of ear infections, chest infections, diabetes and skin rashes.

- It helps in strong bonding between mother and child.

- It leads to lesser pain and bleeding after delivery.

- It helps the mother in losing weight fast.

- Breast feeding protects the mother against breast cancer and ovarian cancer.

By the time mother and child acquire a certain comfort level with breast feeding, it is time to go back to work. Your baby can still get the benefits of breast milk when you are at work.

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- Whenever you are with the baby, breastfeed him/her.

- When you are away, you can give your baby expressed breast milk.

- Invest in a good quality breast pump (electric/manual). A breast pump is a mechanical device that expresses milk from the breasts
- Breast pumps can be operated manually or by batteries.

- The expressed milk can be stored in a cool place for up to 6 hours or in the refrigerator up to 24 hours.

- Do not boil or heat the breast milk.

- Do not warm the milk in the microwave.

- The caretaker can bring it to room temperature by placing it in lukewarm water.

- It is better to feed the baby using a cup and a small spoon.

-Avoid the bottle to prevent risk of infections and to avoid nipple confusion.

-Once your baby turns 6 months and older, weaning foods can replace a couple of feeds and breast feeding can be resumed when you return home from your office.

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Keep Smiling Always........

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