Monday 31 August 2015

The Hair Story

                   The Hair Story
The hair shaft is made of a hard protein called keratin and is made in three layers. This protein is actually dead, so the hair that you see is not a living structure. The inner layer is the medulla. The second layer is the cortex and the outer layer is the cuticle. The cortex makes up the majority of the hair shaft. The cuticle is a tightly formed structure made of shingle-like overlapping scales. It is both the cortex and the medulla that holds the hair's pigment, giving it its color.
Hair is more than just a head wrap. It performs a host of biological functions, apart from being a cover up for most parts of the body.
  1. Hair protects your head.

  1. It keeps you warm in winter and cool in summer.

  1. It protects against sunburn.

  1. Eyelashes and nasal hair prevent dust and foreign particles from entering your eyes and nose.

  1. Hair has nerve endings which give you that 'feel good' factor after a head massage.

Treat your hair well and it will remain with you forever - as your crowning glory and essential part of your good looks.

Here are simple ways of preventing or stopping hair loss:

No Harsh Chemicals: Avoid excessive colouring, styling, heat and chemical treatments.

Regular exercise: Integrate Yoga, Meditation and Jogging in your daily routine. Try jogging, cycling, or just taking long walks to release endorphins and de-stress yourself.

Mineral-Rich foods Include food items in your diet which are rich in Silica, Zinc, Potassium, Magnesium and Omega fatty acids as these are important for hair strength and growth.

Protein-Rich Foods: Include eggs and Dairy Products like milk, yogurt, cheese, etc in your daily breakfast. These are rich in Proteins, Vitamin B12, Biotin and Iron which are important for healthy hair.

Herbs: There are many herbs like Amla, Bhringraj, Fenugreek (Methi), Hibiscus, Horsetail, Rosemary, Shikakai and Thyme which are known from centuries to treat hair problems.

Food Supplements: Some food supplements like flax seeds oil, pumpkin seeds oil and particularly Saw Palmetto extract are very commonly used to support hair growth.

Be Healthy……….

Keep Smiling Always……...

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