Tuesday, 29 March 2016

Sexual Healing: Sex as Nourishment sex

The 3 pillars of life are: Food, Sleep and…Sex?
Food and sleep are pretty straight forward—or at least we talk about these things openly (and probably a bit too much) without a lot of discomfort. Why is it hard for some of us to experience sex as one of the pillars of our life?

A pillar is something that supports. These 3 activities—eating, sleeping and sexing—support and enrich our life when we engage in them in a nourishing way.
The desire for sex is a natural impulse.
The classic texts of Ayurveda urge us to respond to our natural impulses (which include eating and sleeping) without repressing them. If you are turned-on, something has to happen with that energy. It will never work to squash it down in your belly and squeeze your eyes shut in the hopes that it will go away. In fact, this will probably force it to express in a less healthy way. Conversely, having sex when you aren’t really “feeling it” isn’t very fulfilling and may be depleting.
Sex is a pillar because the build-up of sexual essence is a natural result of healthy living and that essence seeks expression or transformation. Sex is one of the main ways that we can naturally express (and possibly transform) that energy. Knowing when to refrain from having sex in order to preserve this vital essence is also an important component of enriching your health.
As a support for life, Sex encapsulates the entire realm of relationships. It is the play of energy and consciousness, the dance of Shiva and Shakti, the tension between movement and stillness.
The desire for sex may be an expression of the need for pleasure, the longing for intimacy, the drive to procreate, and ultimately, the yearning to connect with Nature or the divine.
Each of these is a healthy motivation for having sex.
But, we are talking about NOURISHING sex here. Unfortunately, we are bombarded daily with images of sex and sexuality which are not only not nourishing, but mostly quite empty. We are instructed to believe that what is “sexy” is something which is fundamentally unattainable.
The media’s portrayal of sex and sexiness is junk food. At its best, empty of anything nutritious, at its worst, actively doing damage to our system. And the truth is, as good as (some people believe) junk food may taste to the tongue, if we could sense deeper into our experience we could probably feel the damage that is being done.
But what is nourishing sex?
When you think of nourishment, think of water element and its moist, sweet, smooth, cool and cohesive qualities. Think also of fire element and its warm, passionate, enthusiastic and transformative qualities.

One of the ancient teachers of Ayurveda, Sushruta, describes the ideal sexual encounter under a full moon, in a bed lined with flowers. Soft silk clothing, mellow music and sweet and seductive scents set a loving tone.
As love-making begins, smooth and loving caresses slowly warm and enliven the body with the heat of fire element, without becoming abrasive. With time and attention, the natural lubricants of the body are released signaling that the body is ready for intercourse.
Sushruta also suggests following love-making with a soothing bucket-bath and light but nourishing food such as almonds, milk, or dates.
It could be wonderful to recreate this sweet, romantic fantasy, but there is also potent symbology here. The point of these recommendations is to ensure an encounter full of watery qualities with some fiery qualities in playful balance.
Nourishing sex is not any one, specific thing. Sex becomes nourishing when it brings us more fully into contact with the reality of our life. When it makes us feel more connected, more sensate, more human.

Be Healthy...

Keep Smiling Always...

Dr.Sanjay Chourasia

Saturday, 26 March 2016

"Now study online from IITians in the comfort of your home"

Good quality education is a necessity for every child to build a great career. Schools are playing a significant role in imparting the education but there is lack of personal bond between the teacher and student in school. Apart from school, students opt for tutions to satisfy their learning needs. But even the tutions are not being able to provide the quality to the young minds. Less availability of good quality tutors and high charge of 1-to-1 home tutor is a major issue in our society. Even if the tutors are available, they demand one-time half yearly or full year payments. As a result even if you are not satisfied with the tutors, you are still bond to continue with him.

To solve this major issue in our society, two IITians have developed an on-demand marketplace of education for standard 6th-10th students named as ‘Xolvr (www.xolvr.com)’. This website has many teachers registered who are only from IITs i.e. IIT Kharagpur, IIT Delhi, IIT Roorkee, IIT Guwahati etc. This platform is all about on-demand learning where the class will happen only when the student want to learn something. For example, when the student wants to learn a concept or clarify a doubt then only he can come to the platform and book a class with the IITian teacher. So if a student wants to study only one chapter/topic, he would be asked to pay only for that class, there is no monthly or yearly subscriptions. Also every new user gets two free trial 1–to-1 sessions of 1 hour each with an IITian teacher.

Students can learn at the comfort of their home, only the necessity is a PC with internet connection. All classes are personalized one-to-one i.e. students will study at his own level and pace. The class are interactive and happens online live with a shared whiteboard via video conferencing. Also there are loads of recorded videos embedded on the website, so students can browse through and watch the high quality academic video lectures at one place for FREE of cost. One more advantage is that all the teachers are IITians who will not only provide the best quality education but also will guide students as mentors. Most IITians have great grasp on Mathematics and Science and they know the whole education system closely and know many of those tricks and tips which can greatly benefit school students. This bonding between IITians and school students will also help them take major career decisions when they pass out from schools.

For any details please visit www.xolvr.com or contact the undersigned:
Aamir Mojeeb

Ph: +91-8467033796

Good Luck...

Keep Learning........

Dr.Sanjay Chourasia


If you are suffering from pain in the joints, leg, and back, you should definitely find a solution to correct it, because according to experts, the major cause for these problems is improper posture.
However, we are going to give you and show you how to make a recipe for a natural treatment that you can do at home.
Therefore, if you suffer from this kind of issues, you will surely benefit from its use.
How to prepare it?
First you need to to purchase 150 g of edible organic gelatin. Mix two tablespoons of it with a quarter cup of cold water in the evening, and refrigerate the mixture. During the evening, it will turn into jelly. 

Add this mixture to your tea, yogurt, milk, juice or even in your eggs the next morning. You will feel the positive results from the gelatin after a week. Your pain in the neck, legs, wrists and back will be alleviated because the gelatin functions as a natural lubricant of the joints. Do this every morning for a month and you will get rid of the pain. Then, stop taking this remedy for 6 months and repeat again afterwards. Gelatin is high-quality natural medicine that contains powerful acids, proline and hydroxyproline, which promotes growth and improves the structure of the connective tissue. This is highly important in treating painful bones and joints.
These are some of the many health benefits of gelatin:
– Improves mental ability
– Provides elasticity and strengthens tendons and ligaments
– Prevents osteoarthritis and osteoporosis
– Improves your metabolism
– Aids in treating dysplasia
– Improves hair and skin structure
– Improves complexion
– Makes joints stronger and promotes heart health

Be Healthy...

Keep Smiling Always...

Dr. Sanjay Chourasia

Is It Safe To Have Sex During Period?

According to health experts, having sex during period is perfectly natural and safe for both partners. However, certain factors have to be taken into consideration.

Benefits of Sex during Menstruation

Sex while you are menstruating can help ease the symptoms of premenstrual syndrome, or PMS. Many women say that orgasms can ease their cramps and the orgasmic contractions of the uterus offer a soothing internal massage. Also, orgasms release endorphins, natural painkillers and mood enhancers, which can help soothe the cramps, headaches, mild depression, and irritability sometimes associated with periods. Many women enjoy sex more when they are menstruating because of increased feelings of fullness in the pelvic and genital areas.
However to minimize the mess, wearing a menstrual cup or a female condom can help reduce the amount of blood that might come out during intercourse. If you’re not comfortable using one of them, even a regular condom can make cleanup easier.

Risks of Sex During Period

Safe sex is even more crucial during your period. Your risks of sexually transmitted diseases and infections are higher than normal during this time because the cervix opens to allow blood to pass through. Unfortunately, this creates the perfect pathway for bacteria to travel deep inside the pelvic cavity. You are also more likely to pass on blood-borne diseases like HIV and hepatitis to your partner during your period and more likely to develop yeast or bacterial infections because the vagina’s pH during menstruation is less acidic. Finally, there is still a chance that you could get pregnant during your period (unless you’re on the pill), so don’t assume it’s safe to forgo contraception.
Be Healthy...
Keep Smiling Always...
Dr.Sanjay Chourasia

Thursday, 24 March 2016

40 साल की उम्र के पार के पुरषों के लिए जरूरी विटामिन

क्या आप जानते हैं की 40 साल की उम्र पार करने के बाद पुरुषों के लिए ज़रूरी विटामिन कौन से हैं? यह हम सब जानते हैं की बढ़ती उम्र के साथ शरीर की ज़रूरतें भी बदलती है। बढ़ती उम्र के पुरषों को यह जानना चाहिए की उन्‍हें अपने शरीर की पोषक ज़रुरत बदलना चाहिए खासकर जब वह 40 साल की उम्र पार कर चुके हों। स्वस्थ जीवन गुज़ारने के लिए शरीर की ज़रूरतों को संतुलित आहार के ज़रिये पूरा करे। शरीर में ज़रुरत के अनुसार विटामिन पहुँचते रहना चाहिए।

 जब दैनिक आहार के ज़रिये पर्याप्त मात्रा में ज़रूरी विटामिन शरीर को नहीं मिल रहा होता है तो कुछ लोग पूरक विटामिन अलग से लेते हैं। अगर आप पर्याप्त मात्रा में पौष्टिक तत्व शरीर को देना चाहते हैं, तो पहले अपने डॉक्टर से संपर्क करें।

विटामिन B6
 यह एक महत्वपूर्ण विटामिन है खासकर उन पुरषों के लिए जिनकी उम्र 40 साल के ऊपर हो। उम्रवृद्धि पुरषों को चाहिए की विटामिन B6 ज़रूर लें ताकि वह प्रोस्टेटिक हाइपरप्लासिअ से बच सके। ऐसी परेशानी उनके सेक्स जीवन पर असर दाल सकती है इसलिए ज़रूरी है की इससे बचे।

विटामिन A
 40 साल की उम्र पार करने के बाद, ऐसा हो सकता है आपको अखबार पढ़ने के लिए चश्मा लगाना पड़े। अगर आप यह सुनिश्चित कर सके तो ज़यादा से ज़यादा विटामिन A का सेवन करे ताकि आँखों से जुडी परेशानी का सामना न करना पड़े। विटामिन A लेने से दांत, हड्डी और बालों को स्वस्थ रखने में मदद मिलती है।

विटामिन E 
यह पुरषों के लिए सबसे अच्छा विटामिन है। जो लोग ज़यादा समय प्रदूषण में रहते है उनको कई बिमारियों का खतरा रहता है जैसे कैंसर, ह्रदय रोग और उम्रवृद्धि। अगर आप सही मात्रा में विटामिन E लेते हैं तो आपका शरीर इन परेशानियों से लड़ने लायक हो जाता है।

विटामिन B12 
बढ़ती हुई उम्र में पुरुषों को कई और परेशानियों का सामना करना पड़ता है। उम्र के साथ हाइड्रोक्लोरिक एसिड का लेवल कम होने लगता है और पाचन शक्ति कम होने लगती है। इसकी वजह से धीरे धीरे विटामिन B12 की भारी कमी हो सकती है। इस विटामिन की कमी से कई परेशानियां जैसे कमज़ोर याददाश्त, जोड़ों का दर्द और थकावट हो जाती है।

स्वस्थ रहें...

मुस्कुराते रहें...

डॉ.संजय चौरसिया 

DO NOT GET MARRIED Unless You Ask Your Partner These Questions!

Some good relationship advice before considering marriage is to take the time to ask 

questions that plumb the inner depths of your partner’s personality and psychology. 

Here are  questions you can ask to his or her suitability for a marriage partner:

1 – Why do you love me? – This is a questions that lovers have asked each other from the beginning of time, but it does provide real information about their psychological and social needs in a mate. If the focus seems to be on what you have or what you can provide materially in the marriage, you might need to look elsewhere for an authentic commitment.
2 – What are you goals and are you willing to adjust them for the relationship? – This question can reveal what priority the relationship has in the overall life plan. If the individual is more to achieve life goals and expects you to do all the adjusting, it could be an unfavorable sign.
3 – Do you know how to compromise? – Compromise is the essence of a good marriage. A person who shows an inclination to feel “it’s my way or the highway” is not a good candidate for the negotiations and compromises that marriage requires.
4 – What’s your relationship with your family? – A bad relationship with family can indicate issues that could affect the marriage. Similarly, someone is too close to his or her family may be so enmeshed that the marriage may not come first. Relationship counseling can help to resolve these issues.

5 – Why do you want to spend your life’s journey with me? – This answer can tell you about the expectations of your partner and whether relationship therapy might be needed to create healthier expectations about your role in the marriage.
6 – Can you keep the romance alive? – Someone who understands the value of keeping romance alive will actively work to invigorate the relationship over time.
7 – Can’t you work through the rough patches. Someone who dislikes conflict or who cannot work out differences will make a poor marriage partner.
8 – What are your parenting skills? – If you intend to have children, the previous family experiences of your partner can have a significant effect on his or her ability to parent.
9 – Can you commit to grow with me instead of away from me? – This answer can tell you whether the person understands the nature of close relationships and the constant maintenance they require.
10 – Will you continue to grow in the relationship? – A person that continues to have hobbies and interests that are separate from the marriage will make a more interesting and independent partner.
11 – If My Life Is Cut Short, Will You Honor My Memory Forever? – An individual that will continue to hold that relationship in memory as a valuable experience, rather than close the book on it, is likely to make the most of the time you have together.
Be Happy......
Keep Smiling Always....
Dr.Sanjay Chourasia

Monday, 21 March 2016

यकीनन छूट जायेगी आपकी धूम्रपान की लत

स्मोकिंग (धूम्रपान) छोड़ना असंभव नहीं, लेकिन ये आसान भी नहीं है। धूम्रपान छोड़ने पर कई साइडइफैक्ट भी होते हैं, इसलिये इसके लिये दृंण इच्छा शक्ति और कई कई अन्य सहायक कारकों की भी जरूरत होती है। अगर आप बार-बार प्रयास कर भी असफल हो रहे हैं और धूम्रपान छोड़ने पर होने वाली शारीरिक और मानसिक परेशानियां को नियंत्रित करने में असफल हो रहे हैं, तो फ़ूड एंड ड्रग एडमिनिस्ट्रेशन (FDA) द्वारा स्वीकृत कुछ दवाओं की मदद लेकर धूम्रपान को पूरी तरह छोड़ा जा सकता है। क्विट-स्मोकिंग दवाओं का उपयोग बहुत सफलता की संभावना को बढ़ा सकती हैं। तंबाकू छोड़ने की कोशिश करने वालों में से केवल 5 प्रतिशत लोग ही बिना क्विट-स्मोकिंग दवाओं के उपयोग के सफल हो पाते हैं। लेकिन इनका उपयोग करने पर 30 प्रतिशत से अधिक लोग धूम्रपान छोड़ने में सफल हो जाता हैं। आपके धूम्रपान छोड़ने की संभावना तब और भी बढ़ जाती है जब आप धूम्रपान छोड़ने के लिये क्विट-स्मोकिंग दवाओं के साथ बिहेवियर थेरेपी (behavior therapy) भी लेते हैं। तो चलिये आज इस जानलेवा धूम्रपान की लत को आपके जीवन से हमेशा के लिये दूर कर देते हैं।

क्विट-स्मोकिंग दवाओं के प्रकार -

कुछ क्विट-स्मोकिंग दवाओं को निकोटिन रिप्लेमेंट थेरेपी के नाम से भी जाना जाता है, क्योंकि इनमें थोड़ी मात्रा में निकोटिन मौजूद होता है। इनके कई प्रकार बाज़ार में मौजूद हैं। औस ये सभी दवाएं निकोटीन की तलब व इसको छोड़ने पर होने वाले तीव्र बदलावों से निपटने में मदद करती हैं और धूम्रपान छोड़ने में सहायक सिद्ध होती हैं। हालांकि आप इन दवाओं को बिना पर्चे के भी लिया जा सकता है, लेकिन बेहतर होगा कि आप इनके उपयोग के बारे में डॉक्टर से भी एक बार सलाह ले लें। कोई एक अकेली दवा नहीं है जो सभी लोगों पर काम कर जाए। डॉक्टर से सलाह लेने पर आप इसे लेने का तरीका व इससे जुड़ी सभी जानकारी सही तरह से समझ और जान पाते हैं।  

1. निकोटिन पैच (Nicotine patch)

निकोटिन पैच छोटा, खुद से ही चिपकने वाला होता है जोकि धीमी गति से एक निश्चित मात्रा में निकोटिन को त्वचा के माध्यम से शरीर में छोड़ता है। रोज़ एक नए निकोटिन पैच को कमर और गर्दन के बीच की त्वचा पर ऐसी जगह लगाया जाता है जहां बाल न या कम बाल हों।

फायदे -

निकोटिन पैच बिना डॉक्टर के पर्चे के लिया जा सकता है और इस्तेमाल में बेहद आसान होता है। एक निकोटिन पैच 24 घंटो के लिये निकोटिन की तलब को काबू करता है और इसके निकोटिन छोड़ने के तहत होने वाली प्रतिक्रियाओं को भी नियंत्रित करता है। इस पैच को अन्य क्विट-स्मोकिंग दवाओं के साथ भी इस्तेमाल किया जा सकता है।

ख़ामियां -

आप अचानक होने निकोटिन लेने की तीव्र इच्छा को काबू करने के दौरान निकोटीन की मात्रा समायोजित नहीं कर पाते हैं। हालांकि आप निकोटिन की तीव्र इच्छा होने पर पैच लगाने के साथ दूसरी क्विट-स्मोकिंग दवा ले सकते हैं। पैच से त्वचा में खुजली, दाने और जलन हो सकती है। पैच की वजह से नींद में ख़लल या उत्तेजक सपने भी आ सकते हैं। ऐसे में आप रात को पैच निकाल सकते हैं। संभावित त्वचा की जलन को कम करने के लिए एक से अधिक बार एक ही स्थान पर पैच लगाने से बचें और 24 घंटों के बाद इसे जरूर बदलें।  

एहतियात -

एक्जिमा या सोरायसिस आदि समस्या होने पर इस पैच के इस्तेमाल से त्वचा में खुजली, दाने और जलन हो सकते हैं।

समय सीमा -

आठ से बारह सप्ताह के लिए निकोटीन पैच का उपयोग करना थओड़ा असहज होता है। आपको धूम्रपान छोड़ने पर होने वाले लक्षणों के आधार पर इनका इस्तेमाल लंबे समय तक करना पड़ सकता है। इस संबंध में अपने डॉक्टर से परामर्श करेँ।   

2. निकोटिन गम (Nicotine gum)

निकोटिन गम में थोड़ी मात्रा में निकोटिन होता है। निर्देशानुसार गम का सेवन करने पर निकोटिन मुंह की भीतरी सतह द्वारा सोख लिया जाता है और शरीर में प्रवेश करता है।   

फायदे -

निकोटिन गम बिना पर्चे के दो खुराकों में उपलब्ध है। ये अचानक से उठने वाली निकोटिन की तलब और धूम्रपान छोड़ने पर होने वाले साइडइफैक्टों को तुरंत दूर कर सकती है। जब शुरुआत में आप निकोटिन गम का सेवन शुरू करते हैं तो आप हर दो से चार घंटे में एक गम खा सकते हैं (दिन में 24 गम तक)। यह कई तरह के फ्लेवर में आती है। अक्सर इसे निकोटिन पैच या अन्य क्विट-स्मोकिंग दवाओं के साथ कॉम्बिनेशन में इस्तेमाल किया जा सकता है।    

ख़ामियां -

निकोटिन की तलब और धूम्रपान छोड़ने पर होने वाले साइडइफैक्टों को नियंत्रित करने के लिये आपको पूरा दिन ये गम खानी पड़ती हैं। साथ ही ये स्थायी नहीं बल्कि केवल तात्कालिक तौर पर तलब को दूर करती है। इसका पूरा फायदे लेने के लिये बजाए आम च्युइंग गम को चबाने के इसे चबाने में आपको खास तकनीक का प्रयोग करना होता है, जोकि इसके निर्देशों में दिया भी गया होता है। इसके साइड इफेक्ट्स में बहुत ज्यादा चबाने से जबड़े में सूजन व दर्द, मुंह में जलन, मतली, पेट खराब होना व ज्यादा लार बनना शामिल होते हैं।

एहतियात -

निकोटीन गम डेन्चर या दंतों में हुए किसी और प्रकार के काम में चिपक सकती है। उपयोग के दौरान व 15 मिनट बाद तक पानी के अलावा खाने या कुछ भी पीने से बचें।

समय सीमा -

निकोटीन गम को 12 सप्ताह तक के लिए इस्तेमाल की सलाह दी जाती है। आप दो से चार घंटे में एक गम खाने से शुरात कर सकते हैं और निकोटिन की तलब और धूम्रपान छोड़ने पर होने वाले साइडइफैक्टों के कम होने के साथ-साथ इसका सेवन भी कम कर सकते हैं।

3. निकोटीन लोज़ेंज (Nicotine lozenge)

निकोटीन लोज़ेंग ऐसी टेबलेट्स होती हैं, जिनमें कम मात्रा में निकोटिन होता है। इन्हें मसूड़ों और गाल के बीच रख कर पीरू तरह घुल जाने तक धीरे-धीरे चूसना होता है। जिससे ले निकोटिन रक्त धारा में मिल जाता है।

फायदे -

निकोटीन लोज़ेंग को बिना पर्चे के कई खुराक और फ्लेवर में लिया जा सकता है। इसके एक प्रकार को मिनिलोज़ेंग (minilozenge)  होता है और यह तेज़ी से निकोटिन को रक्त धारा में घोलता है। ये अचानक और थोड़े समय के लिये होने वाली निकोटिन की तलब और धूम्रपान छोड़ने पर होने वाले साइडइफैक्टों को काबू करने के लिये होती है। आप आमतौर पर एक दिन में 20 तक लोज़ेंग इस्तेमाल कर सकते हैं। इसे निकोटिन पैच या अन्य क्विट-स्मोकिंग दवाओं के साथ कॉम्बिनेशन में इस्तेमाल किया जा सकता है।  

ख़ामियां -

आपको निकोटिन की तलब और धूम्रपान छोड़ने पर होने वाले साइडइफैक्ट्स को काबू करने के निकोटीन लोज़ेंग का इस्तेमाल पूरे दिन करना होता है। इसके सेवन से कई बार मतली, अपच, हार्टबर्न, गले में जलन या हिचकियों आदि का सामना करना पड़ सकता है।  

एहतियात -

पानी को छोड़कर इसके सेवन के दौरान या 15 मिनट पहले तक कुछ भी खाने या पीने से बचें। निकोटीन लोज़ेंग को 12 सप्ताह तक के लिए इस्तेमाल की सलाह दी जाती है। निकोटिन की तलब और धूम्रपान छोड़ने पर होने वाले साइडइफैक्टों के कम होने के साथ-साथ इसका सेवन भी कम कर सकते हैं।

4. निकोटिन इनहेलर (Nicotine inhaler)

इसके अलावा निकोटिन इनहेलर (Nicotine inhaler) का भी उपयोग किया जाता है। ये आम इनेहलर की ही तरह होता है (अस्थमा के पंप की तरह)  और मुंह  और गले के माध्यम से निकोटिन की थोड़ी सी मात्रा को रक्त धारा में प्रवेश करता है। इसे अपने फेफड़ों में नहीं लेना चाहिये। इसका अपयोग और लक्ष्य भी बाकी क्विट-स्मोकिंग माध्यमों की ही तरह होता है। लेकिन इसे केवल डॉक्डर की सलाह पर पर्चा दिखा कर ही लिया जा सकता है। कई बार इसके इस्तेमाल से खांसी और मुंह या गले में जलन की समस्या हो सकती है। फेफड़ों के रोग जैसे, अस्थमा होने पर केवल ड़क्टर की सलाह पर ही इसका इस्तेमाल करें। इसका 12 हफ्तों तक और छह से 16 कार्टलेज एक दिन में इस्तेमाल करने की सलाह दी जाती है। 

धूम्रपान छोड़ने के लिये क्विट-स्मोकिंग दवाओं के प्रकार में एक प्रकार निकोटिन नेज़ल स्प्रे (Nicotine nasal spray) भी है। जिसे नाक के माध्यम से लिये जाता है। इसके अलावा केवल डॉक्टर की सलाह पर पर्चा दिखा कर ही ली जा सकने वाली दावाओं में बूप्रोपिओन (Bupropion) व वरेनिक्लिन (Varenicline) भी शामिल हैं। लेकिन इनको सिर्फ और सिर्फ डॉक्टर की ही सलाह पर लेना चाहिये। 

स्वस्थ रहें.........

मुस्कराते रहें.........

डॉ. संजय चौरसिया

Sunday, 20 March 2016

How Does Hugging & Kissing Improve Health?

Like sex and kissing, hugging also comes with a series of health benefits. Although, hugging has to most with the emotion, it can be called as a means to express your emotion with certain health benefits.
According to the researchers, the hormone called oxytocin is released into the blood stream when you hold a friend close. Oxytocin, which is produced by the pituitary gland, is primarily known for increasing bonding, social behaviour and closeness between parents, children and couples. Thus, the release of oxytocin helps lower your blood pressure, reduces stress and anxiety and can even improve your memory.
Further, in women, more oxytocin is produced during the childbirth process and during breastfeeding in order to increase the mother’s bond with the baby. Apart from this, there are several health benefits of hugging, which are as follows:

Hugging Lowers Blood Pressure

When you touch someone, the immediate sensation on your skin activates pressure receptors called Pacinian corpuscles. This sends a signal to the vagus nerve, an area of the brain that is responsible for (among many things) lowering blood pressure. Thus, very much like kissing, even hugging helps lower your blood pressure.

Hugging Can Take Away Your Fears

One of the impressive studies conducted recently suggests that hugs and touch significantly reduce worry of mortality. Moreover, the study also found that hugging non-living object like soft toys can also calm down your immediate fears.

The Health Benefits of Kissing :-

Generally, when it comes to kissing, medically, you will probably think of it as a means to share germs, unhygienic act but obviously it is romantic too. However, kissing has a lot to offer to your health condition, provided both the kissers are healthy and not suffering from any sort of contagious diseases.
Apart from ultimately building your immunity to the best possible, kissing has several other health benefits as well. Here are some of the benefits of kissing:

Kissing Reduces Blood Pressure

You might have not known this but kissing dilates your blood vessels, which helps lower your blood pressure. One of the experts online says that kissing gets your heartbeat revved up in a healthy way that helps lower your blood pressure.

Relieve Cramps and Headaches

When the blood-vessel-dilation occurs while you kiss, that also acts as a pain reliever, especially headache or menstrual cramps.

Fight Cavities

Since kissing increases the production of saliva in your mouth, it helps wash away plaque on your teeth that are most of the times the cause of teeth cavities.

Release Your Happy Hormones And Relieves Stress

Kissing makes you happy because while you kiss, the brain releases feel-good hormones like serotonin, dopamine, and oxytocin. This will make your relationship better in a lot of ways. Kissing also relieves stress and releases epinephrine into your blood, making it pump faster, which may result in a reduction of LDL cholesterol.

Burn Calories

Kissing is not going to replace your treadmill ever, but studies have suggested that a vigorous kiss can burn 8-16 calories.

Boosts Your Immune System

Kissing is also reportedly said to be associated with boosting your immune system and reduce allergic responses in people with skin or nasal allergies. One of the studies suggests that kissing may increase a woman’s immunity from Cytomegalovirus.


There are several other health benefits of kissing like boosting self-esteem, tone facial muscles, decreases cortisol stress hormone, improves mood and lowers anxiety.
Be Healthy...
Keep Smiling Always...
Dr.Sanjay Chourasia

Friday, 18 March 2016

Health Benefits of Sex Or Sexual Healing You Can’t Ignore

Sex: Amazing Combination of Health+Pleasure

It’s not called Sexual Healing for nothing. Sex can actually heal. Health benefits of sex are plenty and can actually help you heal. It can heal your body and mind and prevent many diseases.
Some say it’s the first medicine ever known to man and it should be administered daily. Sounds too good to be true? Let’s discover the six reasons for which a man should have sex each day.
  1. Great Form of Exercise

    Making love is a form of physical activity. During intercourse, the physiological changes in your body are consistent with a workout. You must have noticed that the respiratory rate rises, which means you get tired. Hence, you burn calories. If you have sex three times a week for 15 minutes (but we know you can do better than that) you’ll burn about 7.500 calories in a year. That’s the equivalent of jogging 75 miles! Heavy breathing raises the amount of oxygen in your cells, and the testosterone produced during sex keeps your bones and muscles strong.
  2. Makes You Look Younger

    Making love three times a week can make you look 10 years younger, claims a Scottish researcher. “It’s good for you to have good sex,” says David Weeks, a clinical neuropsychologist at the Royal Edinburgh Hospital, whose study on the effects of sex on aging appears in his book, Secrets of the Superyoung.
  3. Pain Relief

    The “Honey, not today, I have a headache” cannot be an excuse any more. During sex, both male and female bodies produce endorphins, hormones that act as weak painkillers. A study conducted by Gina Ogden showed that during sexual stimulation and especially during orgasm, we don’t feel pain. If she finds another excuse, remind her that sex is good for her entire reproductive system, because it trains the PC muscle, which keeps the reproductive organs in shape. In women, sex can also increase fertility, postpone the menopause and relieve PMS symptoms.
  4. Prostate Protection

    Most of the fluid you ejaculate is secreted by the prostate gland. If you stop ejaculating, the fluid stays in the gland, which tends to swell, causing lots of problems. Regular ejaculation will wash those fluids out and ensure the well being of your prostate until old age. Problems may also occur when you suddenly change the frequency of ejaculations.
  5. Prevents Erectile Dysfunction

    Fifty per cent of men older than 40 suffer from erectile dysfunctions and all young men fear the moment when they won’t be able to get it up any more. The best medicine against impotence is…sex. An erection keeps the blood flowing through your penile arteries, so the tissue stays healthy. Plus, doctors compare an erection to an athletic reflex: the more you train the more capable you are to perform.
  6. Stress Relief

    It’s a scientific fact: sex can be a very effective way of reducing stress levels. During sex your body produces dopamine, a substance that fights stress hormones, endorphins, aka “happiness hormones” and oxytocin, a desire-enhancing hormone secreted by the pituitary gland.
Be Healthy...

Keep Smiling Always...

Dr.Sanjay Chourasia

Thursday, 17 March 2016

How To Cleanse Your Liver With Raisins And Water In Only 2 Days

For the general welfare of the body it is important to lead healthy lifestyle. Each organ of human body has particular function and is essential for the functioning of the entire system.
We can say that liver is one of the most important organs in our body due to the fact that is number one most efficient cleanser and blood purifier. To be precise, human liver has the job to make sure the synthesizing proteins and eliminating toxins are never obstructed.It is also known as POWER HOUSE of body.
In addition, this organ has unique ability to be healed itself after being cut.
Because of the conclusion it is essential for the overall health in our body, we must take good care for the liver.
The most common issue is the fatty liver. There are many other dangerous diseases that attack the liver such as liver cirrhosis, hepatitis A, B and C and known as toxic hepatitis.
The good news is that there are all natural ways to cleanse the liver and reestablish the proper function. Continue with reading of this post and you will see that cleansing your liver in few days with only water and raisins is possible.
First of all you will need good black raisins and put them in a pot. Add water three times on a cup of black raisins, and remove it after 5 seconds, it should clean the raisins. After that, in the same water, boil the raisins for about 2 minutes, and then leave them to rest for 24 hours.
How to use?
You should consume this powerful cleanser in the morning on an empty stomach. You can consume it hot, cold or warm, as you want.
The first results you will notice after two days. Still we recommend you to conduct the cleansing method for a week.
Note: Stay away from the fatty foods or alcohol during the treatment.
Be Healthy....
Keep Smiling Always......
Dr.Sanjay Chourasia

Wednesday, 16 March 2016

Take This Drink In The Morning To Burn Calories All Day!

To lose weight and burn calories more quickly, we recommend this cider vinegar and lemon recipe that will effectively support your slimming process.
In general, your diet closely reflects your health. And being healthy does not necessarily mean that you need to follow a strict diet. To get in shape and improve your well-being, it is very important to clean the liver for better digestion and especially to lose weight. Here is a recipe for cider vinegar and lemon based drink that you should drink in the morning.

A cider vinegar and lemon cocktail that burn calories faster

Drink hot water with lemon and apple cider vinegar on an empty stomach as your daily routine! A slimming drink that will do wonders on your figure as well as your health.

The health benefits of apple cider vinegar and lemon

– The benefits of lemon on health are priceless. This citrus fruit is a powerful natural antioxidant. It has antimicrobial and antiviral qualities that help prevent disease and strengthen immune system. It is a powerful concentration of vitamin C; it is also rich in magnesium, calcium, potassium and iron. Despite its natural acidity, it promotes an alkaline environment in the body.
– Apple cider vinegar is a versatile product, used both in cooking and for the health hygiene. It is main ingredient of many heath tips and natural remedies. Like lemon, apple cider vinegar has natural antibacterial and antiviral properties thanks to its high concentration of essential minerals.
And, like lemon, it also has valuable alkaline properties to regulate blood sugar, reduce blood pressure and cholesterol.

How cider vinegar and lemon promote and stimulate weight loss?

These two very powerful ingredients will primarily aid digestion. And when it comes to losing weight, the digestive system is fundamental because it promotes the metabolism of the food you eat, absorbing essential nutrients and eliminating toxins. Processes that will make you burn calories faster.
Moreover, this drink with amazing virtues will stimulate digestive enzymes and good bacteria in the intestinal flora, essential for proper digestion. In addition, this drink will promote more regular bowel movements.
When the cider vinegar and lemon ingested, they have an alkalizing effect in the body. This is very essential property because very high level of acidity in the body can trigger chronic inflammation in tissues and organs, which can compromise your health at different levels and cause complications that can be very serious. A balanced pH not only reduces inflammation, but improves the vital functions in general.
This lemon and apple cider vinegar drink will also improve liver functions:
  • remove ingested toxins through the liver, daily
  • stimulate the absorption of essential nutrients from the food consumed which are then distributed throughout the body
  • accelerate fat metabolism
Last but not least, this drink reduces hunger and helps control appetite, which is an important asset to support a weight loss process.
Gradually, you will see the many health benefits of this beverage on your body will function better, with improved digestion, better metabolism, which will be reflected in weight loss.

How to prepare this vinegar cider and lemon beverage?

In a cup, mix the juice of half a lemon with one to two teaspoons of cider vinegar. Next, fill the cup with hot water (previously filtered). Hot water is better than cold water because it will promote absorption of the drink in the intestine.
You should drink this drink in the morning on an empty stomach. If you find the taste of this drink is a little sour, add a teaspoon of honey (preferably organic) to soften the taste.
According to an American study published in the Journal of Functional Foods, taking a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar diluted in 200 ml of water, daily helps regulate sugar levels in the blood as acetic acid plays a very important role during the digestive process.
Of course, to see a significant weight loss, you must focus on a balanced diet and eat plenty of fruits and vegetables. Try combining this healthy diet with regular physical activity for best results. With this drink, you will burn calories faster and say goodbye to excess weight.

Be Healthy.......

Keep Smiling Always......

Dr.Sanjay Chourasia